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Development Diary #4

Rules of Engagement

Every so often, I get this sense of urgency to make progress in an area I haven't touched in the game. I felt this way with setting up the website, making the game logo, making the company logo, and various stages of formatting. I am now at that point with the rule book. The reason for all this urgency usually originates from the acknowledgment that it needs to get done; however, it is often to the detriment of other things I am working on, and it is a little bit of putting the cart before the horse.

In each case of putting the cart before the horse, it has worked out to my benefit. I had a logo to rally behind and share with artists I work with, which helps the theme and world-building, and starting the website early has allowed me time to work out the unforeseen kinks in the development process. Before I started to work on the rule book, I was working on formatting, painting, and play testing. I paused this work to start work on the rule book, which includes new graphics, formatting, and a whole lot of other stuff to make it look pretty. Now when I say rule book, I'm not talking about the text rule book that I have been editing and tweaking since the beginning, this is the final rule book for print and the website.

I spent a day obsessing over the cover of the rule book and sizing issues. That's not productive. Then I spent a day making a header for the book and another day making the parchment texture graphic the text and images will sit on top of. It's a long, obsession-inducing project, but ultimately, it's extremely important. So here where I am at with the project:

•Rule book cover ✓

•Header for interior pages ✓

•Page number frame ✓

•Background parchment ✓

So there's some baby progress, but I still need to add a ton of art to it as well as transfer all the text over. I am excited though because once this is finished, I can share it with other game developers and get their opinion on clarity etc. Well that's it for today, I'm hard at work on this as usual, and I will share my progress on this in a later post.


-Jonathan Flike

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We're working day and night to provide the best tabletop experiences. We believe great games start with an emotional connection to the characters you play and the world they inhabit.

Our games feature interconnected worlds, mechanics, and lore to create an experience that carries over to future titles. We hope you'll fall in love with the games we create and see the care that goes into each one.

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